Adhesin Protein AP65 (65-kDA)


Monoclonal Antibodies:
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  • DM116 to AP65 adhesin showed epitope accessible or inaccessible on surface

  • MAb showed the roles of iron and contact in increasing amounts of adhesin AP65. 

  • MAb to 2 adhesins that silencing gene expression of AP65 reduces level of adherence to host cells.


  • C55 to AP65 adhesin showed epitope accessible or inaccessible on surface


  • The discovery of the AP65 adhesin proteins detected by MAbs F11.2 and F11.5 and identification of the genes encoding for AP65 proteins.


  • The discovery of the AP65 adhesin proteins detected by MAbs F11.2 and F11.5 and identification of the genes encoding for AP65 proteins.

  • MAb showed the roles of iron and contact in increasing amounts of adhesin AP65.


  • MAb showed the roles of iron and contact in increasing amounts of adhesin AP65. 

  • MAb was used to characterize the AP65 host cell binding domain.


  • MAb showed the roles of iron and contact in increasing amounts of adhesin AP65.