Scalable diagnostics for STI prevention.

We are an exclusive Monoclonal Antibody repository for Trichomonas vaginalis, the #1 non-viral STD in the world.

What is Trichomonas vaginalis?


It is the most common, non-viral STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) in the world.

Recent Publications

NEW - Point-of-Care Diagnostic for Trichomonas vaginalis, the Most Prevalent, Non-Viral Sexually Transmitted Infection (2022 - Pathogens)

Recombinant Protein of Immunogenic Metabolic Enzyme Epitopes of Trichomonas vaginalis are Common to Humans and Microorganisms (Am J Biomed Sci & Res. 2021 - ISSN: 2642-1747)

Advancing Prevention of STIs by Developing Specific Serodiagnostic Targets: Trichomonas vaginalis as a Model (Intl J of Environ Research & Pub Health, 2021)

Altering Trichomonas vaginalis Codons Enhances Expression of the Trichomonad P270 Repeat Element in Escherichia coli (2021 - Am Journal Biomedical Science & Research)

New Monoclonal Antibodies

These are brand new monoclonal antibodies that have been recently discovered, and are a small part of our larger inventory.

Let’s Work Together

We have partners globally. Please get in touch and one of our project managers will contact you beginning the proposal process.